
I publish my ongoing research in academic articles, popular culture blogs, and a book series.

Currently, I am working on a book about ‘Love, Sex, and the Technologies That Shape Them’.

I am signed to Transatlantic Literary Agency and represented by Rob Firing.

journal articles

Rahbari, L., Kavka, M., Paisley, E., Zimman, L., Mercier, F., & Boross, B. (2023). Roundtable: Affordances, Diversity, and Inclusion on Dating Apps - A Dialogue between Sociologists and Media Studies Researchers about ‘Hinge.’ DiGeSt - Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies, 10(1), Article 1. https://doi.org/10.21825/digest.87181

book chapters

Paisley, Erinne, and Richard Smith. “Misinformation and Truth in the Digital Age.” New Media: An Introduction, edited by Terry Flew and Richard Smith, Third, Oxford University Press, 2021.

Paisley, Erinne. “Fighting for Feminist COVID-19 Figures.” COVID-19 from the Margins: Pandemic Invisibilities, Policies and Resistance in the Datafied Society, edited by Stefania Milan et al., Institute of Network Cultures, 2021.

selected media

Temminck, A., Feng, A., Paisley, E., Lobo, T., & Batzdorfer, V. (2021, February 3). COVID-19 Conspiracy Books Ecologies: Mapping Discrepancies Across Amazon, Goodreads and Audible Routes to Problematic Content. Digital Methods Initiative. https://wiki.digitalmethods.net/Dmi/WinterSchool2021AmazonEcologies

Paisley, Erinne. “Teaching Students to Question Mr. Robot: Working to Prevent Algorithmic Bias in Educational Artificial Intelligence.” Datactive: The Politics of Data According to Civil Society, 6 Aug. 2020.

Paisley, Erinne. “Catching a Glimpse of the Elusive ‘Feminist Drone.’” Datactive: The Politics of Data According to Civil Society, 31 Mar. 2020.

Jones, V., Luitse, D., Denkena, W., Lombardi, G., Holm, C., Paisley, E., Elliott, A., Pouwels, S., Hulspas, C., & Giacchetta, A. (2020, December). Blank canvases coloured: A cross-platform analysis of the discourse around semi-politicized figures online. Digital Methods Initiative. https://wiki.digitalmethods.net/Dmi/WinterSchool2020Blankcanvasescoloured

Paisley, Erinne. Can Your Conversations Change the World? Orca Book Publishers International, 2018.

Paisley, Erinne. Can Your Outfit Change the World? Orca Book Publishers International, 2018.

Paisley, Erinne. Can Your Smartphone Change the World? Orca Book Publishers International, 2017.