
My current research focuses on location based dating application use by women.

I work within media studies and political sociology.

Theoretically: I work with feminist theories, media studies, and affect theory.

Methodologically: I work with qualitative research approaches, platform studies, discourse analysis, semi-structured interviews, platform and auto-ethnography.

I lecture on the feminist media studies, platform studies, philosophy of media, and political sociology.


Un-Hingeing ‘Romantic Love’

An Investigation of Cyclical Romantic Love and Location Based Dating Applications through the ‘Hinge’ Application

Easy Breeze-y

An Investigation of the ‘Breeze’ Location-Based Dating Application and Shifting Socio-Technical Entanglements Surrounding the Social Mediation of Payment(s) in the Netherlands


This is Your Sign to Host a Dating App Dinner Party

Exploring Subversive Uses of Location-Based Dating Applications and Digital Mediations of Love

Principal Investigator - Digital Love and Intimacy on Hinge

#digital intimacy #romantic love #women

University of Amsterdam

Co-PI’s: Prof. dr. Misha Kavka, Dr. Ladan Rahbari

January 2022 - 2023

Researcher - Digital Methods Winter Data Sprint

#political polarization #celebrity studies #data

University of Amsterdam

Principal Investigator: Prof. dr. Richard Rogers

January 2020, 2021

Research Assistant - Datactive Project

#activism #childrens education #data

University of Amsterdam

Supervisor: Dr. Lonneke van der Velden

February - April 2020

Research Assistant - The Centre for Digital Media

#fake news, #digital news, #new media


Supervisor: Prof. dr. Richard Smith

April 2019 - February 2020

Research Assistant - Faculty of Information (iSchool)

#sexting, #nudes, #digital rights

University of Toronto

Supervisor: Prof. dr. Leslie Shade

May - September 2019