public speaking

I actively discuss my ongoing research through panel events, academic conferences, and various public media events.

I am currently most interested in collaborating on topics of: digital intimacy, location-based dating applications, and feminist media theories.


Co-host with Dr. Idil Galip

Digital culture podcast where we add academic depth to viral trends.

Panel events

Love and Media

University of Amsterdam Off-Screen Panel Discussion Series [September 2023]

Co-presenter with Prof. dr. Mark Deuze, Prof. dr. Misha Kavka, Dr. Alvaro Lopez Navarro, Faye Mercier

A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Love and Intimacy at the Cultural Nexus of Online and Offline Worlds

Global Digital Cultures Research Seminar Series [July 2022]

Co-presenter with Prof. dr. Misha Kavka

academic conferences

Reisling and Resistance:

TikTok’s “Hinge Dinner Parties”as Sites of Feminist and Queer Resistance

Resistance and Resilience: Gender and Sexuality in Digital Culture, University of Exeter [May 2024]

Love Bytes:

Navigating Entanglements of Sex and Romantic Love through FLINT* Individuals’ Use of the Hinge Dating Application

Sex in Contemporary Media: An Interdisciplinary Conference [October 2023]

Un-Hingeing Hook-Up Culture:

An Investigation into Young Womxn’s Sexual Autonomy through the Hinge Dating Application

ESA RN23 Sexuality Mid-Term Conference – Making a Difference: The Hope and Promise of Sexuality Studies [September 2023]


Combining Affect and Emotion within ‘Feminist Love Studies’ to Analyze Romantic Love and Sexuality Autonomy through the Hinge Dating App

ECREA TWG Affect, Emotion & Media – Interdisciplinary Approaches to Affect and Emotion Research in Media and Communication Studies [August 2023]

Identity Bias and Social Media

Guest Lecture – Pre-University Honour Programme: Politics & Identity with Luuc Brans [July 2022]

Cumming Together, Far Apart: The Platformization of Grassroots Orgies During Covid-19 and Its Impact on the Relationship Between Consent and Access

Presenter - Leisure Studies Association – In Pursuit of Leisure: Inequality, Storytelling, and the Meanings of Place [July 2022]

Beating to the Rhythm of Commodification: Anti-Capitalist Community Building through Digital Raves During Covid-19

Presenter - Global Digital Cultures – Global Perspectives on Platforms and Cultural Production [June 2022]

It’s All the Rave!: The Twitchification of Raves and Its Implication for the Platformization of Musicking Subcultures

Presenter - University College Cork - Internet Musicking: Popular Music and Online Cultures [May 2022]

Activism, Feminism, and Social Media

Guest Lecture – University of Toronto Book and Media Studies [May 2018]